Healing Touch Energy Work

Meet one on one with Janet in her tranquil studio for gentle, centering, and peaceful energy healing

 Is this you?

Are you feeling sluggish, low on energy, or anxious?

Are you seeking a sense of grounding, centeredness, or calm?

Are you wanting relief from physical, emotional, or psychic discomfort or pain?

Janet Tuck | Intuitive + Energy Healer

What if I could...

Offer peaceful energy work sessions to bring about balance to your system, a sense of peace and calm, and relief from anxiety?

Teach you simple meditative energy healing practices that you can do at home to enhance the energy work we do together?

Allow you to experience renewed, centered, and uplifted energy?

Ready to make this your reality?


Healing Touch Energy Work

Janet is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner. The human energy field is layered and multifaceted. Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing, heart-centered energy therapy that uses gentle, intentional touch to assist in balancing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

During our 60-90 minute Healing Touch Session, I can help you calm anxiety and reduce symptoms of depression, reduce pain, strengthen the immune system, enhance recovery from surgery, create a sense of well being, and deepen your spiritual connection.

Client Love

“When I started getting Healing Touch from Janet, I was so shut down emotionally, I had disconnected from my body almost completely. I knew I had thyroid issues, low back pain, and low energy, but I really had no concept of how to relieve it or how tightly I held my pain to my body. After a few sessions, my low back pain became almost non-existent. My energy level started to improve as I released pent-up grief, and we are now working on my thyroid.”


Janet Tuck | Energy Healing

Hi! I'm Janet

I’m an Intuitive, Energy Healer, and Systemic Family Constellations Facilitator. Using intuition, energy movement, and ancestral healing, I can help you find direction, embrace authenticity, facilitate healing, and help you move forward.

My mission is to help empower others by introducing them to their deep inner knowing, inner power, and inner abundance. You are already capable of claiming the life you want.

Client Love

“Janet has helped me manage my energy so that I can respond differently. She has supported me with tools and awareness to better support my nervous system.” 


This is for you if...

You want renewed energy and vibrancy in your life

You want relief & support for chronic medical conditions

You want a clear, calm mind, and a sense of self

This is NOT for you if...

You want to remain feeling stuck and sluggish

You are comfortable with chronic pain

You enjoy feeling scattered and anxious

You’re not ready to invest in your health and energy

Ready for your healing touch session?

Ready for your healing touch session?


How long are the sessions?

Each session lasts between 60-90 minutes.

What’s the price?

Sessions are $175.

Click here to book now!

Do you offer packages?

3 (60 minute) session packages: $480 ($45 discount!)
5 (60 minute) session packages: $775 ($100 discount!)

Click here to book now!

Can healing touch be done remotely?

Yes! These can be done over zoom!

Are these in person or virtual?

These sessions can be in person at Janet’s office in Nashville, TN or virtual over Zoom.