Systemic Family Constellations Sessions

Meet one on one with Janet to heal the wounds deeply embedded in your family lineage

 Is this you?

Are you feeling disconnected from your family, out of place, like you don’t belong?

Are you seeking a sense of your right place in life, a sense of belonging?

Are you wanting to embrace your truth and the truth in your family lineage?

Would you like to help bring you family lineage toward a sense of wholeness?

Janet Tuck | Intuitive + Energy Healer

What if I could help you...

Connect with and help heal your family

Experience the truth and deep strength of belonging

Deepen your awareness and ability to embody true empathy

Help you release dysfunctional family patterns

Ready to make this your reality?


Systemic Family Constellations

Family Constellations is both a mystery and a wonder. It helps to heal wounds deeply embedded in the family lineage, bringing relief to the whole of the lineage. This release makes room for joy, health, and prosperity. What is holding you back may be an issue in your ancestry. Family Constellations help to release and resolve these issues.

Janet has studied Constellations therapy through the Way of the Warm Heart Constellations Training. Family Constellations therapy works in the Knowing Field to acknowledge, create belonging, and right order. This is ancestral healing in the deepest way and supports the resolution of trauma and familial patterns.

Client Love

“I’ve done a couple of family constellations with Janet. It’s a fascinating healing modality and Janet is so adept at facilitating and explaining the process that I felt completely surrounded in safety and love.” 


Janet Tuck | Systemic Family Constellation

Hi! I'm Janet

I’m an Intuitive, Energy Healer, and Systemic Family Constellations Facilitator. Using intuition, energy movement, and ancestral healing, I can help you find direction, embrace authenticity, facilitate healing, and help you move forward.

My mission is to help empower others by introducing them to their deep inner knowing, inner power, and inner abundance. You are already capable of claiming the life you want.

By the end of this experience you will...

Find improvement in family relationships

Have a greater sense of peace around family issues

Bring some relief to issues of ancestral trauma

Client Love

“Janet Tuck is a skilled Family Constellations Facilitator. I have experienced healing in multiple ways because of the insight and presence Janet brings to her work. Janet has an innate capacity to connect to the internal wisdom that exists in the body and supports her clients to identify this healing wisdom. Janet’s practice with Family Constellations has also connected me to the power of my ancestral lineage. The insight I have gained by working with Janet has allowed me to see beyond the veil of cultural oppression that I internalized over my lifetime. I discovered the courage and competence that existed within me, in part because of the ancestral connection with which Janet connected me. Janet can help you connect to your courageous, confident self and truly compassionate self!”


This is for you if...

You’re interested in healing your ancestral lineage

You want release of family trauma

You’d like to cultivate more peace and contentment in your life

This is NOT for you if...

You aren’t interested in healing ancestral trauma

Your family relationships need no improvement

Have already cultivated an ongoing sense of peace, especially around family

Are you ready for ancestral healing?

Are you ready for ancestral healing?


How long are the sessions?

Each session is 60 minutes.

What’s the price?

Sessions are $175

Click here to book now!

Do you offer packages?

3 (60 minute) session packages: $480 ($45 discount!)
5 (60 minute) session packages: $775 ($100 discount!)

Click here to book now!

Can Family Constellation be done remotely?

Yes! These can be done over zoom!

Are these in person or virtual?

These sessions can be in person at Janet’s office in Nashville, TN or virtual over Zoom.